Archive for the 'Firm Absurdity' Category

Friday, February 3rd, 2006

And here we have the horror story of the day thanks to K. I stared at it for a few minutes in utter disbelief, but then decided it was incredible enough to be completely true:
Before I became an attorney I worked as a paralegal at a New York
City (VERY white shoe) law firm. It [...]

Open Call
Thursday, February 2nd, 2006

Things have calmed down a bit, the word is out, and the eliminated pressure to keep secrets feels like a lifted cement block. Sure, there have been consequences (my parents are now anxious about internet stalkers, so as a favor to them please refrain from stalking me if you had any plans to do so) [...]

Sunday, January 29th, 2006

As I approach the end of the egocentric addled post-college mania of our twenties, I’m learning to identify certain key moments in my past that shaped my personality. Events that, when they occurred, left no sign of their future importance, but have in fact imprinted every action I’ve taken since. While I realize living in [...]

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

“Hey Mel, what’s up.”
“Hey V, how are you? Good to hear from you.”
“Yeah I figured I’d call to check in, see how everything was going.”
“It’s good thanks. What are you up to?”
“I’m at the office, of course. Be here another 4 or 5 hours probably.”
“Ugh, that sucks, I’m sorry.”
“I have to tell you Mel, I [...]

More Sound & Fury, Signifying Nothing
Monday, January 23rd, 2006

From the reader mailbag, echoing other garbage circulating the internet:
“How do you even stomach yourself….You joke that people call you a disgrace to the profession, but you should acknowledge they’re right. I actually DO work at a top 10 firm, I have for a long time…. People like you, lazy and inferior students who became [...]

Tear Down the Walls
Friday, January 20th, 2006

It’s fascinating how the rules completely change once you announce you’re leaving a law firm to do something entirely unrelated. The Trojan walls between professionalism and humanity temporarily fall, and suddenly your superiors are regarding you with puzzled bemusement. Sure, there are those who deliver the verbal equivalent of a pat on the head [...]

Bring On the Assholes
Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

Favorite Email of the day:
“You’re fucking pathetic. You didn’t go to a top 5 law school or even a top 5 college, and you were hardly an associate at a top 10 firm. Shut up and go back to your daddy, I’m sure he’ll dole out enough to keep you comfortably sucking up resources.
Joseph XXXXX
XYZ [...]

Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

I’ve been receiving many requests to post a picture of him. One is now up in the “Cast of Characters” link on the Sidebar. His real name is David, he’s a creative executive at a Manhattan movie studio. And no, his father is not David Stern or any other sports-affiliated megamillionaire. Good grief.

Reader Inquisition
Monday, January 16th, 2006

Yes, I’m aware that Q&A Posts are rather high on the copout scale, but I still feel like someone shoved a blowtorch down my throat so the usual rantings will have to wait a few more days. Thus, today I give you answers to some recent reader questions.
Q: If your identity is revealed, will you [...]

Avant Garde
Monday, January 16th, 2006

“Hi B! I know it’s been a while, I just wanted to say Happy New Year and congratulations!
“Hi O, thanks, nice to hear from you. Happy New Year to you too.”
“Wow, a new baby, that’s so fantastic. How is D liking his new little brother?”
“Well he’s taking some time adjusting. We’re in the middle [...]