February 2nd, 2006

Things have calmed down a bit, the word is out, and the eliminated pressure to keep secrets feels like a lifted cement block. Sure, there have been consequences (my parents are now anxious about internet stalkers, so as a favor to them please refrain from stalking me if you had any plans to do so) and despite the daily dramas that continue to surface, my days have pretty much settled into sitting in a large room with my notebook and a dying laptop. And believe me, I wouldn’t have it any other way (except for the laptop crapping out on me part).

But this change in lifestyle does mean that I won’t be writing any more tales of job comedy or woe on the blog. So, in the spirit of keeping with the general theme, I hereby invite readers to share their own horror stories. You need not be a lawyer, or even a law firm employee – as we’ve discovered, a lot of the issues I’ve addressed in the blog are universal. Lawyers haven’t purchased the exclusive rights to general assholery in the workplace. Geographic location also doesn’t matter – as I’ve learned from countless reader correspondence, shitty jobs span the globe. So send them in, I’ll read them at night when I check email, and I’ll post a few of them every week interchanged with my own posts – I’ll still be posting, life hasn’t ended just because I’m no longer a practicing lawyer. In fact, quite the opposite is true.

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