September 28th, 2007

Thanks to all who have written in with various back diagnoses, advice, home remedies, and horror stories. Yes, I have managed to remove myself from the bathroom floor; yes, I do plan to try acupuncture; and no, I have never wrestled professionally or carried an armoire that I found on the street up four flights of stairs to my walk-up. I do, however, apparently walk wrong, sit wrong, stand wrong, and do just about every other form of motility wrong according to Sasha, my beefy Slovakian chiropractor — all of which contributed to the agony orgy that was the last few hundred hours. Bloggers, beware – carpal tunnel and back problems may just be our Black Lung.

And now for something completely different. (Is that phrase copyrighted? Let’s hope not — if you were in my blogging class on Wednesday and you’re reading this, here’s yet another example of the biggest lesson of the evening: Do as I say, not as I do.) I did an interview the other night on Blog Talk Radio (yes, there is such a thing) with Sugar Shock author and Internet radio host Connie Bennett. While I’ve confessed to not exactly practicing her sugar-free mantra, she kindly steered the conversation away from diet and exercise (on which I have nothing to say) and focused on blogging (which I can easily not shut up about for hours – just ask the veterans of my Learning Annex class). You can listen to it here — though I swear on my mangled spine, my voice is about 200 times less nasal in person. Or at least, I really hope it is.

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